You can get from the down town of Gdańsk to Sopot not only by train or bus, but in an attractive way using the vessels of our company. Straight from the Pier you can get to the so called “Monciak” — one of the most popular pedestrian zones in Poland full of attractions and curiosities.
Gdańsk - Sopot
11:10 R
14:10 R
17:10 R
12:00 R
15:10 R
18:10 R
Sopot - Gdańsk
12:20 R
15:20 R
18:20 R
13:10 R
16:10 R
19:20 R
* The "R" symbol designates a reserve cruise. It means that the cruise designated with an "R" may not take place if there is an insufficient number of people.
Water Trams operate on the following days
Legend: 25 - Cruise dates
one-way cruise
95 zł
75 zł
45 zł
* Reduced tickets are available for children, school students and academic students. Free admission for children up to 4 years old.
round trip ticket
150 zł
120 zł
60 zł
* Bilety ulgowe przysługują: dzieciom, młodzieży szkolnej oraz osobom posiadającym ważną legitymację studencką do 26 roku życia. Przejazdy bezpłatne: dzieci do lat 4.
We do not offer sale tickets in advance for cruises from/to Sopot. Tickets are sold only on the day of the cruise if weather conditions are favourable.
waterfront at the Green Gate and Green Bridge
(58) 301 49 26
662 157 340
Opening hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Ticket sales points are closed for a break from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
We do not offer sale tickets in advance for cruises from/to Sopot. Tickets are sold only on the day of the cruise, if weather conditions are favourable. In June 2017, the ticket sale office will be open only on weekends (Fri-Sun) and long weekends between 9:30 am and 6:50 pm. From 1 July to 31 August 2017 ticket sales points will be open daily between 9:30 am to 6:30 pm.
Ticket sales office before the pier
(+48) 606 686 306
Opening hours
9:30 am - 6:30 pm - open Fri-Sun and during long weekends
Ticket sales points are closed for a break from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm
see what attractions are waiting for you
During your free time it is worth to feel the spirit of history while cruising with our traditional white fleet, therefore we would like to invite you to a cruise to the historical Westerplatte. This...
After visiting the tourist attractions offered by Krynica Morska, we recommend a cruise to the historical Frombork, which offers the sightseeing of the Cathedral Hill and the planetarium, where...